Rip'n Snap Vol. 1

Rip'n Snap Vol. 1
Click on this picture - it will take you directly to the first'n free edition of Rip'n Snap

Thursday, August 9, 2012

"Strokes" - Photo journey Vol. 2.

"Strokes" - Photo journey Vol. 2.

As the race passed by Tunø (a very little island), the captain of one of the following speed boats suggested that we ate a little lunch at the local "Gæstegiveri" (an old Danish name for a little hotel) which of course was a splendid idea.
So we sailed into the tiny harbor and walked up to this little hotel and we ordered fresh caught fish with home backed bread and fresh "remoulade" - do I have to mention that it tasted absolutely wonderful. While we were sitting on the porch (in bright sunshine) of this little "Gæstegiveri" - we would actually see the riders work hard, paddling by this little charming island, which didn't have a single car on the whole island, by the way. I loved every second of it of course!!

Anyway here is the second part of my photo journey from Strokes, and it's all about the individual riders passing Tunø and heading for the finish line of this extremely hard SUP race.

(PS. click on pic's for a larger view)

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